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Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Thick and beautiful hair has been an epitome of vanity and virility in many cultures for centuries.

Men and women that naturally have strong and thick hair have the option to style it in several ways, and add several cosmetic products for different kinds of looks.

Up until very recently, the treatments or solutions available to those who did not have good hair growth, were developing bald spots, or experiencing heavy hair fall were very limited.

Apart from the hair loss issue, the options available to people were also expensive and had a range of side effects or risks associated with them.

Recent technological and research advancements have opened this area up a little, and today there are improved procedures people can get done for the more serious growth problems, or medication that is meant to treat the hair loss issue.


It is worth noting however that hair loss is not a problem that warrants treatment or medication, rather, people might choose to resort to medication to control the rate because of appearance.

Hair Clinic In UAE


The triggers for hair loss can often be temporary, which is to say that the condition may be limited to a set of circumstances or another condition that is affecting the body.

There are a number of diseases or strong drugs that cause hair to fall, and in this case, addressing that problem or condition will alleviate accelerated hair loss.


Baldness in men, often characterized by visible bald patches on the top of the head is less likely to be treated through medication, since surgery is thought to be more effective.

Still, since an important factor for people to seek treatment for hair conditions is temporary, cheap and convenient relief, medication is also used.

Minoxidil Lotion

Hair transplant in Dubai may use minoxidil for this purpose, which is a lotion meant for use on the scalp daily.

The drug is usually available without a doctor’s prescription, and usually comes in the 2% and 5% concentrations. While people might be inclined to think the higher concentration will work better, the evidence to support that is mixed, and there may be a possibility of more pronounced side effects that way.